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Dedicated to Teachers


PD Spotlight: Teaching Readers

It's the Tuesday morning literacy block and students are settled into their texts. A glance around the room provides a sense of relief that things are going well...  (continue reading)

PD Spotlight: Teaching Writers

The reflective practice of teaching can bring both joy and frustration. We feel joy in the moment a writing conference propels a student to a new place in their notebook, or when we witness the impact of a mini-lesson or mentor text...  (continue reading)

Consulting Authors

Heinemann PD offers a wide variety of options to meet you where you are in your professional learning journey. So, what does it look like to meet an entire school or a large segment of a district where they are now and over time? That’s where Heinemann Consulting Authors come in.  (continue reading)

Reclaim Your Literate Life with Stephanie Affinito

When is the last time you blocked off time on your calendar for YOU? In a changing world full of uncertainty and busyness, we might struggle to make our own reading and writing a priority.  (continue reading)

Final Virtual PD Options for 2021

If you're hoping to attend some virtual PD this year to lift your practice—and your spirits—we have many options for you! However, we know that decision fatigue is real and too many choices can be overwhelming.  (continue reading)

Invite Our Virtual Consulting Authors to Your School

Heinemann PD offers a wide variety of options to meet you where you are in your professional learning journey. So, what does it look like to meet an entire school or a large segment of a district where they are now and over time? That’s where Heinemann Consulting Authors come in.  (continue reading)

Follow the Questions: When Teacher Research Becomes School Culture

What happens when an entire school embraces not knowing as part of their culture—and evaluation system?  (continue reading)

Follow the Questions: Brian Melton and Ellin Keene Talk "Problems of Practice"

When Brian Melton confirmed that his high school english students were experiencing a creative desert in their course schedules, this became the problem of practice that anchored his action research.  (continue reading)

Follow the Questions: Ellin Keene in Conversation with Tricia Ebarvia

What is one important piece to creating change? Examining practice in community.  (continue reading)

Follow the Questions with Ellin Oliver Keene!

Follow the Questions: Using Action Research to Make Meaningful Change is a new On-Demand course by Ellin Oliver Keene that is designed to support you, your team, or your entire school in taking on the burning questions that keep you up at night and finding ways to support each other on your research journey to not only create change, but positively impact the children you teach every day.  (continue reading)

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