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Dedicated to Teachers

Follow the Questions with Ellin Oliver Keene!



What thoughts or emotions does the word ‘research’ elicit for you?

Teachers engage in research every day. While there are certainly differences between scholarly (often university-based) research, teacher research, and action research, every time we gather information about our students, look for patterns, make changes, and reflect on the impact, we are researching. 

As the chairperson for the first three cohorts of the Heinemann Fellows, a group of educators who engage in two-year action research projects, Ellin Keene has a deep understanding of what it takes for educators to examine their practice, uncover ways to make real change in their schools or classrooms, and build the confidence to share this fresh thinking widely. 

Follow the Questions: Using Action Research to Make Meaningful Change is a new On-Demand course by Ellin Keene that is designed to support you, your team, or your entire school in taking on the burning questions that keep you up at night and finding ways to support each other on your research journey to not only create change, but positively impact the children you teach every day.

Find out more about Ellin's On-Demand Course!

If you have ever been inspired by the work of the Heinemann Fellows or if you are just looking for powerful, job-embedded PD, this course is for you.

Questions about how to get started with this course on your own or with a group? Reach out to us at onlinepd@heinemann.com and we will help get you started with this amazing professional development opportunity.

Topics: Ellin Keene, Heinemann Fellows, On-Demand Courses, Professional Development

Date Published: 06/30/21

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