Topic: Literacy

IRA 2024 NTL Knowledge Building Blog

Background knowledge acts as a framework that students can use to connect new information to what they already know, deepening their reading comprehension.

FPC Comp Whole Group Blog

Comprehension is the heart of literacy instruction and targeting it during whole-group literacy time ensures that all students are building the skills they need to become thoughtful, engaged readers.

SXP 2024 NTL Science of Reading Blog

Saxon® Phonics and Spelling’s approach to teaching phonics and spelling concepts uses foundational research in the science of reading and cognitive science.

UOSW 2023 Record Keeping Blog 2

Record-keeping systems allow you to consolidate data, study individual progress, track the frequency with which you meet with students, and easily access and update your data across time.

UOSW 2023 6 New Tools Blog 1

Here are six tools you can slowly introduce into your classroom writing center to support student independence.

Audiobook Blog Banner Newkirk23

The audiobook of Literacy's Democratic Roots: A Personal Tour Through 8 Big Ideas

GR2e 2023 Blog1 Benefits GR

Guided reading nurtures strong readers and plays a pivotal role in helping young learners become confident and capable readers.

GR2e 2023 Blog2 5 Tipsfor Powerful Small Group Reading

Small-group reading lessons have the potential to transform students into confident and skilled readers.

Copy of Copy of Audiobook Blog Banners WKCR2 E

The audiobook of The Literacy Studio: Redesigning the Workshop for Readers and Writers

Newkirt Lits Dem Roots 2023 Blog

As humans we have the great gift, the great evolutionary achievement, of speech and story. It’s what we do best—and all literacy instruction needs to honor and build on that gift.

Beers WKCR 2023 Power Of Relevance Edweb Blog

As educators, we all want our students to have the skills and insights needed to navigate the world outside of their classroom. In this mission, the significance of relevance in reading cannot be understated.

PB BTS Blog header

New professional books to love from Heinemann. Get free shipping using code BETTER when you order before October 31, 2023*

Beers WKCR 2023 Pre Reading Scaffolds Blog 01

Pre-reading scaffolds are powerful tools that can equip struggling readers with the skills and confidence they need to navigate and comprehend text.

2023 Uo S Blog Series Blog Uo SW

Tips to help you adapt your writing workshop to support multilingual language learners.

2023 Uo S Blog Series Blog Uo SR

Tips to help you adapt your reading workshop to support multilingual language learners.

FPC Shared Reading Tips Blog2 Header

During whole-group literacy, it’s important that students are interested in the books, discussions, and teachings for the most impactful, engaging literacy instruction.

FPC Shared Reading Benefits Blog1 Headers 1 2

Shared reading sparks joy, inquiry, student talk and agency. Shared reading is more engaging and impactful than any other whole-class literacy instruction.

FPC WML Blog Power of Writing Minilessons 01

Strong writing minilessons open a world of possibilities for learners, creating an environment that nurtures students’ ability to write with purpose, imagination, and voice.