Topic: Video

Pryle Ecocentrism

Help students notice nature in a text to tune into the pressing conflict of climate change with Marilyn Pryle's sample reading response.


New teachers, is your start-of-the-year energy dead and gone? Berit Gordon provides tips to revive yourself mid-year.


Marilyn Pryle's 5 Questions for Any Text: Critical Reading in the Age of Disinformation is now available! Watch Marilyn discuss the new book and detail the five questions for unlocking deeper understanding.

Math Workhop

Jennifer Lempp and Skip Tyler's Math Workshop, Grades 6-12 is now available! Watch the authors discuss the layout of the book, accompanied by an excerpt


Marilyn Pryle explains how to teach critical reading with this sample reading response based on her Question 1: what am I reading?


To Read Stuff You Have to Know Stuff is now available! Watch Kelly Gallagher discuss his renowned article of the week to help students build background knowledge.


The Confidence to Write is now available as an audiobook! Listen to the book in author Liz Prather's own voice.

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Join Shamari Reid in a special live interview with Bettina Love to launch the Humans who... interview series.

Shamari Smoothie 5 9 24

As a gift for Teacher Appreciation Week, watch Shamari Reid's smoothie recipe for inspiration as to one small way to care for your physical well-being.

Honigsfeld 24 Release Blog

Growing Language and Literacy, 6-12 is now available! Watch Andrea Honigsfeld discuss how this can be a go-to text for any teacher.

2 Apr 17 2024 06 43 03 5589 PM

Teaching Beyond the Timeline is now available! Watch the authors discuss how teaching thematically allows students to connect current events to their lives.

You Tube Annonucement Blog24

Subscribe to Heinemann's YouTube Channel for videos from authors, book talks, and more.

Blog24 Reid Self Regard 2

Humans Who Teach is now available! Watch Shamari Reid discuss self-regard, a pillar of his thinking throughout the book.

Heard Blogs24

Watch a video of Georgia Heard reading Where to Find Poetry from Awakening the Heart 2nd edition, released on March 19, 2024.

A Video Tour of Interactive Writing

Interactive writing is a time for writing to come alive as children share their thinking. Watch Matt Halpern talk about the key concepts and skills of interactive writing in a fun and informative video.

Watch Jennifer Serravallo Live for a Qand A About The Reading Strategies Book 2 0 Blog Header Graphic 1200 x 628

The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 is here! What the recording of the LIVE Q&A with trusted educator and author Jennifer Serravallo.

Four Steps to using Mentor Texts to Teach Writing by Carl Anderson

Mentor texts provide concrete examples of craft techniques and conventions to refer to during mini-lessons, small group lessons and writing conferences.

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Follow this easy step-by-step guide to start making the most of your online resources today!