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Dedicated to Teachers


Shared Reading: A Key to Student Engagement and Literacy Development

Shared reading is a powerful instructional practice that bridges the gap between read-aloud sessions and independent reading, creating a joyful and supportive environment for all students.  (continue reading)

Engaging Adolescent Multilingual Learners

Explore reasons that developing level multilingual adolescent learners may be disengaged, and ways to reengage them.  (continue reading)

Social-Emotional Support for Newcomer Multilingual Learners

An introduction to social-emotional support for multilingual learners from Andrea Honigsfeld.  (continue reading)

How to Support Multilingual Language Learners in Writing Workshop

Tips to help you adapt your writing workshop to support multilingual language learners.  (continue reading)

How to Support Multilingual Language Learners in Reading Workshop

Tips to help you adapt your reading workshop to support multilingual language learners.  (continue reading)

Commuter Series: Centering Multilingual Learners in the Classroom

Heinemann Podcast Commuter Series: Centering multilingual learners  (continue reading)

Reflections on Learning: More Support for Multilingual Learners

After the pandemic, there is no reverse for a global community expansion and inevitably, the U.S. culture is in a continuous state of change. Unless teachers are able to understand the diverse needs of their students, it will be difficult if not impossible to teach them effectively.  (continue reading)

Reflections on Learning: Multilingual Learners

What myth about multilingual learners do you most want to bust, and what truth would you like to replace it with?  (continue reading)

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