Topic: Engagement


What do educators and MCs have in common? They are masters of their craft. Edmund Adjapong outlines how teachers can harness the power of MCs


How can hip-hop engage students in the classroom? Learn the foundations of hip-hop pedagogy with Edmund Adjapong.

HNM WF2103603 FP Assess 2024 Strategies for Maximizing the Impact of Literacy Assessments Blog Post

Literacy assessments provide critical insights, but their real power lies in how teachers use that data to drive instruction.

HNM WF2093015 FP Assessment 2024 NTL Early Assessment Blog Post

By gaining a clear picture of each child’s reading abilities from the start, educators can tailor their instruction to meet individual needs, ensuring that every lesson is relevant, engaging, and effective.

FPL 2024 Assessment Data Blog 1

Discover practical ways to use assessment data to personalize instruction and improve student outcomes in elementary and middle school classrooms. Learn strategies that teachers can implement today.

Joyof Reading blog

Adapted from The Joy of Reading, Donalyn Miller and Teri Lesene explore some suggestions for how to find motivation for reading, even in difficult times.

GR2e 2023 Blog2 5 Tipsfor Powerful Small Group Reading

Small-group reading lessons have the potential to transform students into confident and skilled readers.

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A list of Heinemann professional books published in 2023.

FPC 2023 Writing Minilessons Process Blog

Understand and value each writing process stage to guide students from initial ideas to completed works.

Beers WKCR 2023 Power Of Relevance Edweb Blog

As educators, we all want our students to have the skills and insights needed to navigate the world outside of their classroom. In this mission, the significance of relevance in reading cannot be understated.

FPC Shared Reading Tips Blog2 Header

During whole-group literacy, it’s important that students are interested in the books, discussions, and teachings for the most impactful, engaging literacy instruction.

Blog Comprehension And Collab Blog Header

Comprehension is not about spitting out facts and filling in blanks. Comprehension is about understanding. And reading is not merely about word calling. Reading is about thinking.

Blog Header Glover Collins Reading

Providing young children with lots of opportunities and encouragement to read unfamiliar books helps them to become adventurous, confident readers who are highly engaged meaning-makers.

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Read-aloud time is an opportunity to mentor children in the mindset, habits, and strategies of proficient readers.

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The goal of The Book Love Foundation is to put books in the hands of teachers of teenagers. We aim instruction toward increasing volume, stamina, and joy in reading in middle and high school.

Blog Engaging Adolescent Readers Headerv01

Finding the right books for your classroom of adolescent readers is key to building engagement. The right book in the hands of a kid can change a life forever.

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If educators don't have a language to define and describe engagement—a point on the horizon toward which we're working—and if we don't incorporate talk of engagement into our discourse with students, how can we help children become truly engaged?

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Engagement, in part, depends on what you feel and sense when you enter a classroom. It's the culture—unseen and unheard, but omnipresent, and it's a little tougher to pin down.