Topic: Engagement

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Our ideas about engagement were for formed in early childhood by our parents, and have been solidified by what our teachers did to 'motivate' us. In classrooms now, many of these old notions are concretized by what our colleagues believe about motivation and engagement.

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Ellin Oliver Keene helps us answer the question, what is the difference between motivation and engagement?

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Ahead of the publication of Engaging Children: Igniting a Drive for Deeper Learning, Heinemann Fellows Aeriale Johnson and Jess Lifshitz read and reacted to Ellin’s soon-to-arrive book.

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Fostering Belongingness to Support Student Participation

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Why is Inquiry Work Good For Kids?

Vitale Engaging 2733 7

How Can You Adjust Your Classroom Environment to Maximize Engagement?

Lauren mancke 60627 7

Heinemann Fellow Kate Flowers on Working Toward "Do No Harm" Feedback

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Heinemann Fellow Hollis Scott: Fostering Engagement and Independence in the Classroom

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Pop Culture as a Point of Engagement

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Patricia Vitale-Reilly on Classroom Rituals

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Considering the Cognitive Classroom Environment

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Patricia Vitale-Reilly: Choice in Process

March1 toolkit 6

How To Acquire And Use Knowledge, And Dive Deeper Into Different Perspectives

#SparkAMind Twitter Chat Recap

Harvgoud feb23 6

How To Teach Comprehension Responsively At Any Grade Level With Any Text

Planbackwards 6

Small Changes, Big Differences: Plan Backwards for Student Engagement

Harveygoudvis feb 16 7

Developing Thinking Intensive Learning – Within a Lesson, Across a Lesson, and Over Time

Toolkit feb 2 7

How To Make Thinking Visible and Audible