Topic: Video

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Browse through our latest catalog to learn about NEW titles and professional development opportunities. Plus a video message from our EVP and General Manager, Vicki Boyd.


During this pandemic, with shortened instructional time, our grading practices must encourage our students, not impede their growth. A blog post from the authors of 180 Days.

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Educational rap artist Corey Thornton was contacted by the producers of GMA3 to share his story. Watch the video!

Cherry Paul Ebarvia Podcast blogheader

Listen in or watch as Dr. Sonja Cherry Paul and Tricia Ebarvia talk about centering racial equity in our literacy practices and their upcoming (virtual!) Institutes for Racial Equity in Literacy. #IREL20 ⁠

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Watch the recording of the Facebook Live session led by Jennifer Serravallo where she talks about how parents and teachers can keep things simple, meaningful, and engaging so that children can do real reading and writing during these challenging times.

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Lucy Calkins and colleagues discuss the challenges involved with teaching and leading during the coronavirus and answer attendees questions.

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Collaboration isn’t kids working quietly and peacefully at all times—it can be noisy and it often involves some push and pull among members.

Strategic Classroom Design One

Reimagining a strategic learning space is mostly about being mindful of the evolving needs of learners.

Readthe World One

Technology is a tool, not a goal, and it’s up to us to ensure that our students know how to use it effectively.

Bleding Choice and Craft Young Woman Writing

When students are provided opportunities to pursue writing in genres of their choice their engagement increases, which is a baseline requirement for a successful and joyful writing life.

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If someone tells you teaching is easy, they probably don't really know teaching.

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Cultural norms and adult attitudes and behaviors define for children which differences matter and which do not.


We had the chance to ask teachers what advice they would give themselves in their first year of teaching (if they had a time machine, of course). Here's what they had to say...

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Inquiry means kids investigating and exploring, instead of just sitting and listening.

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If you missed a day, or want to re-watch a certain video, you can find links to all the videos a the bottom of this page!

Reading Make A Difference Blog Three

In this edition of Book Talk Live, we're speaking with authors Lester Laminack and Katie Kelly about their new book, Reading to Make a Difference.

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Our goal for all of our students is that they will use the skills we teach them independently.

Beingthe Change Study Guide Pic

It's important to talk about bias because we can't work against something that we don't know exists.