Topic: Video

We have a responsibility to keep learning, because in each class, students will have different strengths and needs. When our learning stops, our teaching stops.

Dana Sonja Capture

Today on the Heinemann Podcast we’re joined by Sonja Cherry-Paul and Dana Johansen, co-authors of “Breathing New Life into Book Clubs.”

Making a case for Researchers Workshop

“It’s time to rethink content instruction— no more dull slogs through the textbook! We love reader's and writer's workshop, so why not researcher's workshop?"

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Taking the initiative to be reflective about one's inward identity can be enlightening!

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Authentic, purposeful talk is, by nature, unpredictable, but your teaching doesn’t have to be.

Harris Cover Podcast

Knowing our students helps us to choose the most useful resources for them and to make every moment of our precious instructional time count.

New life book clubs

Our vision for book clubs continues to be a work in progress. It is informed by our own experiences and our ongoing dialogue with fellow educators.

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If children are to develop as a learning community, they must believe that their efforts to engage with each other and with ideas matter.

Reading Make A Difference Blog Three

Some texts affirm our lives based on similarities and connections, while others provide us a window into the unfamiliar.

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If we accept that discomfort is inevitable but silence is not a strategy, what practices or systems in your school can you examine in order to confront and change outcomes for students of color?

Right Tools Blog2

How do we find helpful new resources without squandering funding or instructional time?

Reading Make A Difference Pic One

Lester and Katie offer a framework that can both deepen and broaden students’ understandings, insights, and empathy for the greater human family.

Nichols Bigger Ideas Podcast

To learn together, children need to figure out how to live in the confined space of a classroom, developing processes that enable them to navigate their environment, and each other, with care, respect and trust.

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Think about aligning beliefs and practices not within the classroom, but in your personal life.

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Talk has a purpose—and that purpose is to tackle the unknown—to strategize, to innovate, to problem-solve, to construct understanding. This use of talk “in the wild” frames the “why” behind purposeful talk in the classroom—our rationale for designing teaching and learning that’s dialogic in nature.

Tool Kit Blog Pic

The Comprehension Toolkit series offers robust instruction to encourage students to develop the reading comprehension skills that lead to lifelong learning. See what's inside in this unboxing video!

Reading Make A Difference Pic One

When the reader stands in his or her own worldview, unable to see or conceive of any other perspective, a book can be a bridge. The right book, at the right time, can span the divide between where the reader stands in this moment and alternate views, new ideas, and options not yet considered.

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The teaching of phonics is a means to an end. Children need to decode in order to independently read and write. Phonics shouldn’t feel like an interruption or detour away from these authentic experiences. Phonics should be the building of a curiosity.