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Dedicated to Teachers


Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and SEL

Attending professional development and learning the research behind these terms is important so that we don't build an inaccurate version of what they mean for your role in education and the impact they have on leaders and learning communities.   (continue reading)

Meet Our Virtual Consulting Authors

Heinemann PD offers a wide variety of options to meet you where you are in your professional learning journey. So, what does it look like to meet an entire school or a large segment of a district where they are now and over time? That’s where Heinemann Consulting Authors come in.  (continue reading)

On The Podcast: What Are Educators Asking for Most Right Now? A Conversation Between Heinemann PD Specialists.

A conversation between Michelle Flynn and Jaclyn Karabinas from Heinemann Professional Development about their observations around working virtually with educators and students over the last 6 months.  (continue reading)

ICYMI: Video with Kristin Ziemke and Katie Muhtaris

Catch up up the recent Facebook live with digital teaching and learning experts Katie Muhtaris and Kristin Ziemke!  (continue reading)

Plan Your PD: Virtual Workshops and Webinar Series

This fall, we will continue to provide high-quality professional development to you on a wide range of topics — virtually! What does this mean? It means that no matter where you live, you have many more choices than before. It means more options for finding something that fits your goals and schedule.  (continue reading)

Elevating Equity and Justice Webinar Info Session with Bob Kim!

On Wednesday, July 29th, join Heinemann author Robert Kim for a special Facebook live event from 7:30-8:00pm EST  (continue reading)

On The Podcast: Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Tricia Ebarvia on the Institute for Racial Equity in Literacy

Listen in or watch as Dr. Sonja Cherry Paul and Tricia Ebarvia talk about centering racial equity in our literacy practices and their upcoming (virtual!) Institutes for Racial Equity in Literacy. #IREL20 ⁠  (continue reading)

Read the World: Digital Teaching and Learning Support from Kristin Ziemke and Katie Muhtaris

Here are 6 interactive features that Kristin and Katie included in their book Read the World to help you personalize the information to both your professional learning and remote instruction for students.  (continue reading)

How Do I Attend a Spring 2020 Virtual Workshop?

The Spring 2020 Workshop season has gone virtual! To continue providing professional development safely, the decision was made to convert Heinemann’s Spring 2020 One-Day Workshops to be virtual workshops.  (continue reading)

Online PD Options with Jennifer Serravallo

Are you looking for a way to deepen your use of The Reading Strategies Book and/or The Writing Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo? Online learning -- webinars and on-demand courses -- allow you to learn at your own pace, from home or school, when your schedule allows.  (continue reading)

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