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Dedicated to Teachers


Strategies for Teaching Writing Effectively

Carl and Matt explore what makes a strong writing teacher, and what we can glean from the writing process.  (continue reading)

Podcast: Why and How to Choose Professional Learning

Lish Mitchell and Jaclyn Karabinas from Heinemann Professional Development walk us through some exciting upcoming PD and how you can learn more.   (continue reading)

Invite a Consulting Author to your School or Event!

Have you been thinking about inviting an expert consultant to work with your school or district to help move you meet goals and move forward?   (continue reading)

Podcast: What's New in Professional Development? with Lish Mitchell and Jaclyn Karabinas

Hear which PD sessions are on deck this spring from Heinemann!  (continue reading)

Heinemann Virtual Consulting Authors

Meet a few more of our Heinemann virtual consulting authors and invite to your school to expand your professional development.  (continue reading)

Invite Our Virtual Consulting Authors to Your School

This fall, invite a Heinemann virtual consulting author to your school to meet your PD goals.  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Racial Equity and Literacy with Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Tricia Ebarvia

Sonja and Tricia discuss Sonja’s recent adaptation of Stamped for Kids, the myriad forces that continue to inhibit the work of antiracism, and why opportunities like IREL are so important.  (continue reading)

Reasons People are Attending #IREL21 This Summer

Upon registration for #IREL21, participants were sent a survey asking why they decided to return this year OR why they are signing up for the first time. Here is what we learned.  (continue reading)

Summer PD with #DisruptTexts!

Committing to an inclusive, representative, and equitable language arts curriculum is important and challenging work. Where do you begin? You begin with the mission of the #DisruptTexts movement.  (continue reading)

Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and SEL

Attending professional development and learning the research behind these terms is important so that we don't build an inaccurate version of what they mean for your role in education and the impact they have on leaders and learning communities.   (continue reading)

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