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Dedicated to Teachers

Lauren Audet

Recent Posts:


All About the Complete Comprehension: Expansion Packs for Fiction and Nonfiction

The Complete Comprehension: Fiction expansion pack gives your students more choice in what they read for assessment, and you more options for matching students’ interest with their assessment book.  (continue reading)

Where Do We Go From Here? A Vision for The Future of Heinemann

In this moment, Heinemann is moving forward in a way that reflects what has established us as a valued partner for educators—resources that are proven effective through a focus on teacher agency, student-centered learning, and engagement—while also harnessing the power of technology and bringing a modern sensibility to our work in support of teachers. We are doing this by...  (continue reading)

Heinemann Statement in Response to APM Reports

Heinemann is aware of the APM Reports podcast series, which promotes false and divisive claims, misstates financial information and radically oversimplifies and misrepresents complex literacy issues.  (continue reading)

Responding to Misinformation About Teachers College Reading and Writing Project and Units of Study

Recently, misinformation has been shared that grossly oversimplifies complex issues and promotes an inaccurate narrative about TCRWP’s approach to literacy instruction. This blog offers important corrections and clarifications to that misinformation.  (continue reading)

It Starts with Us: Tips to Reignite Your Energy and Joy

There are also a few things we can do as teachers of writing to reignite our own energy and joy. So here are a few tips to keep in mind as you journey on your way.  (continue reading)

Marilyn Burns Presents a Closer Look at Listening to Learn

WATCH NOW: On September 21st, Marilyn Burns went live on the Heinemann Facebook page to give educators a closer look at Listening to Learn, a new K--5 digital interview tool.  (continue reading)

Cultivating EL-Inclusive ELA Classrooms by Reading Sound Texts 

Reading sound texts as a class is for all your students looking to build flexible, relevant, and multimodal reading skills in ways that are engaging and practical.  (continue reading)

Announcing ForwardED, a Free Online Slow Conference for Educators

Heinemann is delighted to announce ForwardED: Forward, Together in Education – a series addressing some of the biggest challenges currently facing the education community.  (continue reading)

What Critical Race Theory is And What It Means For Teachers

Educators around the nation are grappling with so-called “anti-critical race theory” laws that are cropping up around the nation. What’s going on here, and how should educators respond to this development?  (continue reading)

Create a Classroom Culture That Values Learning from Mistakes Over Compliance

When we model how expert learners learn from mistakes, we show that process as an essential part of participating in the world.  (continue reading)

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