Heinemann Blog

Thought leadership supporting the latest innovations in K-12 education.

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Teach students how to talk through their thinking to develop mathematical reasoning skills. Included are suggested problems and sentence starters.

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Congratulations to Heinemann author Shamari Reid on being selected as a 2025 Audie Award Finalist!


What is hard history? Learn what teaching honest history looks like by reexamining common myths through noticing, pausing, and considering the context.

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Are you a new teacher feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the classroom?


Learn how to optimize your classroom library with 4 design methods.


How can hip-hop engage students in the classroom? Learn the foundations of hip-hop pedagogy with Edmund Adjapong.

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By mid-year, the spark of a new school year may feel distant, yet it's the perfect time to revisit the strength of connection and the power of community in sustaining educators through challenges.

Cruz selfcarehabits

Tired, hungry, stressed teachers make mistakes. Take time to reflect on your self-care routines with an assessment from M. Colleen Cruz.


Heinemann is proud to announce Marilyn Pryle's nomination for the 2025 Global Teacher Prize.


Math in Practice supports the creation of classrooms where students are empowered to think critically, problem solve, and communicate their ideas

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How can we make belonging more than a buzzword and create a culture that empowers students to be their unique selves?


Rebecca Bellingham and Veronica Scott's The Artful Approach to Exploring Identity and Fostering Belonging is now available! Watch the authors discuss the layout of the book, accompanied by an excerpt.


Approach voting rights through a thematic lens to enable students to make connections between the past and present.


Teach students how to be active listeners in this minilesson.


Students can learn to create the change they want to see through imagining action. Question 4 in the critical reading series shows how.


This February, discover new Black innovators through themed studies.

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How can you bring the momentum of the new year into the classroom mid-year?

Mc Gregor Sketchnoting

Sketchnotes can create deeper comprehension and allow for greater student self-expression.

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Heinemann.