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Dedicated to Teachers


What is Decoding and Why Does it Matter for Learning to Read?

Decoding is the process of extracting meaning from information given in a secret or complicated way. As students’ word recognition becomes increasingly automatic, more energy can be allocated toward deepening reading comprehension  (continue reading)

Why the Writing Workshop is More Important Now Than Ever

The writing workshop is an opportunity to ensure every student feels safe and welcomed into your classroom community and empowers students by inviting them to be all-in on learning.  (continue reading)

Free Webinar: Help Students Learn from Mentor Authors

Watch this free edWebinar with Carl Anderson and Matt Glover, who show you what the immersion period of writing workshop looks and sounds like.  (continue reading)

Understanding the Pillars of Literacy and Saxon Phonics

Saxon Phonics and Spelling primarily focuses on teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency while building children’s decoding skills.  (continue reading)

Record-Keeping System Ideas for Writing Teachers

Record-keeping systems allow you to consolidate data, study individual progress, track the frequency with which you meet with students, and easily access and update your data across time.  (continue reading)

6 New Tools to Introduce into Your Classroom Writing Center

Here are six tools you can slowly introduce into your classroom writing center to support student independence.  (continue reading)

What Are the Benefits of Guided Reading for Students in Grades K-6?

Guided reading nurtures strong readers and plays a pivotal role in helping young learners become confident and capable readers.  (continue reading)

5 Tips for a Powerful Small-Group Reading Lesson

Small-group reading lessons have the potential to transform students into confident and skilled readers.  (continue reading)

Using Decoding Assessments to Teach Phonics

Learn how to use decoding assessments to teach phonics to K-2 students and get a free phonic decoding assessment tool.  (continue reading)

What’s the Path to Becoming a Better Writing Teacher?

The goal of our new book, How to Become a Better Writing Teacher, is to help you become really good at teaching writing.  (continue reading)

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