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Dedicated to Teachers


How to Build Knowledge During Whole-Group Literacy Time

Explore strategies for enhancing classroom literacy with interactive read-alouds and authentic text sets to build knowledge, comprehension, and vocabulary.  (continue reading)

Innovate and Inspire: 11 Heinemann edWebinars to Transform Your Teaching This Year

Tap into these 11 free on-demand webinars that cover the essential pillars of reading, math, and writing—providing innovative strategies to inspire and rejuvenate your teaching.  (continue reading)

What is Decoding and Why Does it Matter for Learning to Read?

Decoding is the process of extracting meaning from information given in a secret or complicated way. As students’ word recognition becomes increasingly automatic, more energy can be allocated toward deepening reading comprehension  (continue reading)

Let’s Gather: A Read-Aloud and Shared Reading Curriculum

Read-aloud time is an opportunity to mentor children in the mindset, habits, and strategies of proficient readers.  (continue reading)

Unlock Your Students' Reading Potential: 4 Proven Strategies to Empower Struggling Readers

Discover four proven strategies to empower struggling readers in your classroom, fostering a nurturing environment where students can unlock their reading potential and thrive academically.  (continue reading)

Staying Open to Make Room for Rich Thinking

How do we keep our teaching, and our reading, alive? How do we help children feel they are on a path of discovery?  (continue reading)

Teachers as Creative Artists

The Artful Read-Aloud is an invitation to see ourselves not just as literacy teachers but also as creative artists.  (continue reading)

Why Whole-Class Novels Can Be a Good Thing

Whole-class novels can offer a method of teaching that allows us to ignite a sense of community in the classroom.  (continue reading)

How Old is Too Old to Read Aloud to Your Students?

How Old is Too Old to Read Aloud to Your Students?  (continue reading)

PLC Series: Write-Alouds

PLC Series: Write-Alouds  (continue reading)

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