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Dedicated to Teachers


Finding Nonfiction Books That Reflect and Enrich Kids’ Sense of Themselves

When readers are able to see themselves within a text, their engagement with the materials deepens.  (continue reading)

What is Decoding and Why Does it Matter for Learning to Read?

Decoding is the process of extracting meaning from information given in a secret or complicated way. As students’ word recognition becomes increasingly automatic, more energy can be allocated toward deepening reading comprehension  (continue reading)

3 Ways to Ensure Foundational Skills Stick for Students

Foundational literacy skills are the building blocks of a student's journey towards becoming proficient readers and writers.  (continue reading)

5 Tips for Engaging Students During Whole-Group Literacy

During whole-group literacy, it’s important that students are interested in the books, discussions, and teachings for the most impactful, engaging literacy instruction.  (continue reading)

What are the Benefits of Shared Reading for Primary and Intermediate Students?

Shared reading sparks joy, inquiry, student talk and agency. Shared reading is more engaging and impactful than any other whole-class literacy instruction.  (continue reading)

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