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Dedicated to Teachers


Understanding 3 Key Elements of Balanced Assessment in Math Workshop

Assessment is the bedrock of good teaching. By utilizing a variety of assessments, we get a multidimensional mathematical profile of each student.  (continue reading)

Top 3 DON’Ts: Teaching Kids to Write Graphic Novels

A list of the top three things to avoid when teaching kids how to write graphic novels from Eric Hand, coauthor of the new Writing Unit of Study.  (continue reading)

The Cognitive Benefits of Writing Graphic Novels

The craft decisions involved in creating an actual graphic novel are numerous, varied, and complex—but they can be explicitly taught and learned, practiced and perfected.  (continue reading)

Why Teach Kids to WRITE Graphic Novels?

Three reasons why teaching students to compose graphically is beneficial.  (continue reading)

Lucy Calkins on The Important Truth About How to Teach Reading

Lucy Calkins recently penned an OpEd for Education Week. In the piece, she addresses the serious challenges facing education today and outlines how recent updates to the Units of Study meet those challenges head-on.   (continue reading)

Responding to Misinformation About Teachers College Reading and Writing Project and Units of Study

Recently, misinformation has been shared that grossly oversimplifies complex issues and promotes an inaccurate narrative about TCRWP’s approach to literacy instruction. This blog offers important corrections and clarifications to that misinformation.  (continue reading)

Super Powers: A Favorite Unit Gets an Update

The updated unit places kindergartners in a superhero-themed learning environment that makes them heroes-in-training.  (continue reading)

Launching First Grade Students on an Early Literacy Adventure

An updated Grade 1 Unit of Study (UoS) offers a potent new remedy for students who struggle with early literacy skills.  (continue reading)

What it Means to be a Brave Reader

New research in reading instruction and better alignment of instructional materials lead students to engage challenging texts with confidence.  (continue reading)

Foundations in Research: The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project

TCRWP is a think tank that is constantly evolving based on new research and practices. Read the Research Base document for their key beliefs and practices.  (continue reading)

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