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Dedicated to Teachers


7 Math Workshop Characteristics

To answer 'what is math workshop?', learn about the 7 characteristics of successful math workshops from Jennifer Lempp.  (continue reading)

5 Ways to Meet Students Where They Are

Meeting students where they are requires that we know where they are but how can we truly know where a student is? Jennifer Lempp tells us 5 ways how.  (continue reading)

Heinemann Professional Books Published in 2023

A list of Heinemann professional books published in 2023.  (continue reading)

Building Student Math Identities with the Workshop Model

This week on the podcast Jennifer Lempp and Kristen Stump discuss the workshop model in the elementary math classroom.  (continue reading)

Feed your teacher soul with new professional books from Heinemann this Fall!

New professional books to love from Heinemann. Get free shipping using code BETTER when you order before October 31, 2023*  (continue reading)

How to Structure Guided Math Workshop Groups

Guided math groups are small, fluid, and flexible groups of students that you meet with as they explore rich mathematical tasks. These flexible groups will change based on students’ needs.  (continue reading)

The Importance of Minilessons in Math Workshop

Why should you be using minilessons in your math workshop? Minilessons provide short, focused opportunities for students to get excited about the math, engage with concepts, and have open discussions.  (continue reading)

Understanding 3 Key Elements of Balanced Assessment in Math Workshop

Assessment is the bedrock of good teaching. By utilizing a variety of assessments, we get a multidimensional mathematical profile of each student.  (continue reading)

Our Math PD Events Schedule is Live!

See Heinemann's brand-new schedule of math-focused virtual workshops on the Spring 2023 PD event schedule, ranging in topic, length and format.  (continue reading)

Designing a Joyful Math Workshop

Do you want your students to engage more authentically in math? Learn more about how to implement the math workshop framework!  (continue reading)

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