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Dedicated to Teachers


Reflections on Learning: Civics Education

There seem to be infinite possibilities for tying in civics content with necessary skills: Could civics be the most flexible (and important) way to meet a multitude of standards?  (continue reading)

Reflections on Learning: Multilingual Learners

What myth about multilingual learners do you most want to bust, and what truth would you like to replace it with?  (continue reading)

Our Math PD Events Schedule is Live!

See Heinemann's brand-new schedule of math-focused virtual workshops on the Spring 2023 PD event schedule, ranging in topic, length and format.  (continue reading)

Invite a Consulting Author to your School or Event!

Have you been thinking about inviting an expert consultant to work with your school or district to help move you meet goals and move forward?   (continue reading)

PD Spotlight: Literacy

As our world grows and shifts, so does our definition of literacy. Sense-making through reading, writing, speaking, and listening is nuanced when we consider the numerous modes of information we encounter each day.  (continue reading)

PD Spotlight: Teaching Mathematics

Even before the pandemic, the call for a new vision of math instruction was loud. A challenge in this profession is consistently having opportunities to think critically and collaboratively about pedagogy to avoid "teaching how we were taught"...  (continue reading)

PD Spotlight: Creating Change

We know that living in a perpetual cycle of triage is unsustainable. We know we need to find a way to support each other and revise our rhythm to match the world we live and teach in today.  (continue reading)

PD Spotlight: Teaching Readers

It's the Tuesday morning literacy block and students are settled into their texts. A glance around the room provides a sense of relief that things are going well...  (continue reading)

PD Spotlight: Teaching Writers

The reflective practice of teaching can bring both joy and frustration. We feel joy in the moment a writing conference propels a student to a new place in their notebook, or when we witness the impact of a mini-lesson or mentor text...  (continue reading)

Heinemann Virtual Consulting Authors

Meet a few more of our Heinemann virtual consulting authors and invite to your school to expand your professional development.  (continue reading)

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