Even before the pandemic, the call for a new vision of math instruction was loud. Yet, it is a challenge in our profession to consistently access opportunities to think critically and collaboratively about pedagogy, and avoid "teaching how we were taught", especially in mathematics.
In Math in Practice: A Guide for Teachers, author Sue O'Connell writes, "Most of us learned math in classrooms characterized as teaching by telling. We now realize that method sacrificed understanding for efficiency. We also recognize that our students deserve more than that."
If you are looking for guidance on how to transform your math instruction, or place a stronger focus on meaning-making, student talk, and interactive tasks, we have professional learning options for you!
Upcoming Workshops
Do The Math "Getting Started" PD develops teachers' understanding of the Do The Math program and how it builds students' numerical reasoning.
Do The Math—Getting Started
Presented by professional learning specialists
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 from 10:30am to 5:30pm ET
Tuesday, August 23, 2022 from 9:30am to 4:30pm ET
On-Demand Courses
These self-paced, media-rich courses provide CEUs and are packed with video modeling, resources, and reflection opportunities. 365-day access!
Putting the Practices into Action: by Susan O'Connell
Making Math Far More Accessible by Steven Leinwand |
Do The Math PD Seminars and Coaching
Do The Math coaches work with school leaders and classroom teachers to create learning partnerships that are sustainable, data-driven, and customized to participants' particular needs.
Consulting Authors
If your school is looking for a speaker, facilitator, coach, or ongoing professional learning support for math instruction, we can help!
Hoping you can talk to a person about professional learning options for yourself or your school? We love hearing from you. Email us at workshops@heinemann.com.
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