Topic: Sue O'Connell


Math in Practice supports the creation of classrooms where students are empowered to think critically, problem solve, and communicate their ideas


Sue O'Connell and Math in Practice can help to unlock the full potential of K-5 math education with this transformative six-session course.

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How can we effectively support elementary math teachers?

O Connell Dispatch Banner

The importance of positive math identities for both students and teachers.  

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Each book in Math in Practice has features that support the role of the Math Coach. Highlighted are tips and strategies for easy reference.

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A Great Summer School Fit: Math in Practice and Math by the Book

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This week on the podcast, we talk with Sue O'Connell about literature-based math practices and her upcoming event.

Using Literature to Make Sense of Math Operations

Introducing operations through a story context ensures that the lesson focus is on understanding the operation rather than just performing a calculation.

2022 PD Consult A Us Blog APR22

Have you been thinking about inviting an expert consultant to work with your school or district to help move you meet goals and move forward? 

Build an Understanding of Numbers Through Context and Modelsx

Help K-5 students experience aha moments when learning math through engaging literature and hands-on experiences.

2022 Themes Blog Header Math

Even before the pandemic, the call for a new vision of math instruction was loud. A challenge in this profession is consistently having opportunities to think critically and collaboratively about pedagogy to avoid "teaching how we were taught"...

On the podcast Engaging with Math in Literature

How do stories create space for mathematical thinking? Today on the podcast we’re joined by Sue O’Connell, lead author of the Math by the Book series, and two of her co-authors Danielle Moore, and TJ Jemison.

Math is everywhere pod

Sue O'Connell, Marcy Myers, and Georgina Rivera discuss the value of integrating literature into the math classroom.

Heinemann Fall 2021 Look Book Available Now jam

Heinemann is proud to present our Fall 2021 Look Book with our new releases along with highlights from your favorite authors.

MBTB Blog Header 7 Ways Childrens Lit

Seven ways that incorporating children’s literature into mathematics lessons can change the atmosphere, focus, and energy in your math classroom!

O Connell blog header 8 2020

Why are math facts so important? Is fact fluency the same as memorization? Why the concern about attention to math facts during the pandemic?

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With schools across the country closing for weeks, possibly months, how do we keep our math learning going for our K-5 students?

Five Questions for Sue O Connell HML

How can you as a math coach meet the varied needs of elementary math teachers? What are some critical actions that support your goals? Consider the following: