Topic: Units of Study

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This is part of the beauty of the Units of Study: the specificity and precision of the Unit books juxtaposed with the flexibility of the If…Then…Curriculum book.

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When it comes to teaching young students to read and write, no curriculum for the primary grades would be complete without an emphasis on word study. Emergent readers and writers must understand how l

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The kinds of readers that enter our classrooms are vast. Some read voraciously, and benefit from help tailoring reading plans to push their thinking to more nuanced levels. Some slog through books, wi

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Positive Approaches to Supporting All Learners in Writing Workshop K-5

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How to Plan for Book Clubs in Middle School

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Building a strong workshop practice is similar to building a house. Doing it successfully takes the right tools.

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Teachers of middle school reading have their own, unique set of challenges. Some of these hopes for middle school readers might resonate with you:

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When we teach students to express themselves well in writing, we are doing so much more than simply helping them to do better on school assignments.

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Establishing a Vibrant Community of Readers: Fostering Partnerships, Independence, and Courage

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Helping Families Understand Units of Study & Workshop Teaching: Working Together to Support Students All Day & Year Long, K-5

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Tips for Teaching the New Up the Ladder Information Writing Unit, 3-6

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Launching a Strong Reading Workshop

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What Do You Do With Your Struggling Readers and Writers: New Thoughts, New Ideas

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Accessing Units of Study, Narrative: Tips from the Co-Authors of Up The Ladder

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Gearing up for a Powerful Launch to a New Year: Reflecting on the August Teachers College Reading Institute

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Gearing Up for a Powerful Launch to a New Year: Reflecting on the August Writing Institute K-8

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Setting up Strong Reading and Writing Partnerships at the Beginning of a New School Year

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Getting Ready for Next Year by Enlivening Your Own Reading and Writing Life