Topic: Units of Study

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If you read aloud regularly to your students, you know: there is no time in the day quite like read aloud time. A good read aloud can bring a group together like nothing else, can provide a foundation of camaraderie, trust, and respect in a classroom.

TCRWP Office Hours

Introducing TCRWP Office Hours: Live Online Conversations with Lucy Calkins and her Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Colleagues

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All students, those that gravitate toward nonfiction and those that don’t, need opportunities to engage with nonfiction not just during nonfiction reading units, but all year long.

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Engaging students in lines of inquiry and independent projects of their choosing is a way to teach into transferable skills and to give students practice with the kind of learning that is lifelong.

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In the upper grades, students don’t often move up reading levels as quickly as they do when they are younger. But that said, it’s still important to take note when a student has been in the same level for what seems like too long.

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At this week’s TCRWP Twitter chat, Janet Steinberg, Research and Data Manager for the TCRWP, and staff developer Rhea Royster will lead a chat on what is most important in helping students in grades 3-8 prepare for tests.

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If you work with students with learning disabilities, do not miss this week’s TCRWP Twitter chat. Colleen Cruz— a powerhouse of information on working with youngsters who need extra support to learn best— will facilitate that chat.

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Ways to Study the Teaching of Writing with Your Colleagues: PD Ideas for Inside & Outside the Classroom K-8

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Because learning progressions are progressive and precise, they are an invaluable tool for teaching and for assessment.

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Many students are already social media experts. Tapping into their knowledge to channel them to try new books and to reflect on their work can be powerful.

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As students move up the grades and further in their history educations, they will be expected to write about it in increasingly sophisticated ways.

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Because of the myriad ways writing workshop and oral language development are linked, it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

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Readers who read strictly for plot nearly always remain stuck in literal interpretations of text, and typically struggle with more complex reading skills.

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Creating Powerful Book Clubs 4-8

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A study written up by the Association for Psychological Science on factors that affect learning. Which traits help students to do well in school?

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Think of the possibilities as graphic novels provide readers who might not be able to tackle higher-levels of text an inroad for high-level thinking work.

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Information writing is one of those topics that can seem, on the outset, rather dull. It doesn't have to be that way. Here's how.

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There are two key considerations when planning a curriculum that supports success with ELA exams: time and level of text complexity.