Lucy Calkins and her TCRWP colleagues are excited to announce that the new Units of Study in Phonics curriculum for Grades K-2 will begin releasing this summer. This new, lean approach to phonics will help primary educators provide explicit, workshop-based instruction that easily transfers to reading and writing and readily engages kids in the process.
In the video below, Lucy explains what drove the development of these new phonics units.
Rachel Rothman, a Senior Staff Developer and phonics coauthor, speaks about the structure of the new phonics units.
Natalie Louis, Senior Staff Developer and phonics coauthor, discusses the arc of instruction across grades K-1 in the new Units of Study in Phonics.
The Units of Study in Phonics for grades K-1 set is slated to release in late summer of this year, with grade 2 releasing in early 2019.
For more information on the Units of Study in Phonics, visit, or click below to download a sample session.