
Introducing TCRWP Office Hours: Live Online Conversations with Lucy Calkins

TCRWP Office Hours

Introducing TCRWP Office Hours: Live Online Conversations with Lucy Calkins and her Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Colleagues 

Introducing TCRWP Office Hours: Live Online Conversations with Lucy Calkins and her Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Colleagues 

When administrators ask Lucy Calkins what they can do to best support teachers as they begin teaching reading and writing workshops, one of the key things Lucy talks about is the importance of helping teachers build strong communities of practice across their schools.

Lucy and her TCRWP colleagues have also worked to support this kind of collaborative learning for teachers through their vibrant Facebook discussion groups for reading, writing, and middle school, and through weekly Twitter chats (view the Spring '18 schedule here). Now Lucy and her TCRWP colleagues have added yet another way to interact with TCRWP staff developers in the form of online Office Hours sessions. The first of these live webinars took place on March 15th and featured Lucy Calkins responding to a wide variety of questions about reading and writing workshop, Units of Study, the forthcoming phonics units, and more.

Preview the TCRWP Office Hours session from March 15th. Lucy offers advice on how to build kids’ reading stamina in reading workshop.

Video Thumbnail
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Be sure to mark your calendar for the next live TCRWP Office Hours session.

Date: April 5, 2018

Time: 4:00PM-5:00PM (eastern time)