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Dedicated to Teachers


Introducing The Writing Strategies Book Study Guide

Introducing The Writing Strategies Book Study Guide  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Argument in the Real World

Today the podcast, Kristen Hawley Turner and Troy Hicks discuss their book, Argument in the Real World  (continue reading)

Dreams Do Come True: The Audacious Story Behind the Curation of the Best Classroom Libraries Ever Created for Children

Dreams Do Come True: The Audacious Story Behind the Curation of the Best Classroom Libraries Ever Created for Children  (continue reading)

Rozlyn Linder on Reading Like A Writing Teacher

Rozlyn Linder on Reading Like A Writing Teacher  (continue reading)

Rozlyn Linder: Let's Talk About The Skills

Rozlyn Linder: Let's Talk About The Skills  (continue reading)

Rozlyn Linder: Showing Students The Possibilities

Rozlyn Linder: Showing Students The Possibilities  (continue reading)

More About The Authors: Why This Book?

More About The Authors: Why This Book?  (continue reading)

Rozlyn Linder: How The Big Book of Details Is Organized

Rozlyn Linder: How The Big Book of Details Is Organized  (continue reading)

Rozlyn Linder: What Does "Add Details" Look Like To Your Students?

Rozlyn Linder: What Does "Add Details" Look Like To Your Students?  (continue reading)

Smokey Daniels On The New Big Book Of Details

Smokey Daniels On The New Big Book Of Details  (continue reading)

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