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Dedicated to Teachers


Student Talk and Collaboration: Tools to Help Everyone Collaborate

Center student voices through collaboration. Learn about a variety of tools that enable everyone to be included.  (continue reading)

5 Tips for Building Community in a Multilingual Literacy Classroom

Five tips for creating a multilingual literacy classroom that not only focuses on language acquisition but also nurtures a supportive and inclusive community.  (continue reading)

How to Boost Fluency and Vocabulary in a Spanish-and-English Speaking Classroom

Five strategies to foster an environment that enhances fluency and expands vocabulary across multiple languages, such as English and Spanish.  (continue reading)

Heinemann Professional Books about Equity

A list of Heinemann professional books about equity: Start Here, Start Now; We Got This; Textured Teaching; and Being the Change.  (continue reading)

Why the Writing Workshop is More Important Now Than Ever

The writing workshop is an opportunity to ensure every student feels safe and welcomed into your classroom community and empowers students by inviting them to be all-in on learning.  (continue reading)

5 Tips for Engaging Students During Whole-Group Literacy

During whole-group literacy, it’s important that students are interested in the books, discussions, and teachings for the most impactful, engaging literacy instruction.  (continue reading)

When Kids Need Help With Fluency: 5 Things Teachers Can Do

Disfluent readers are most often disfluent because of a lack of practice with reading. Ultimately, struggling readers must have a lot of time to read at their instructional or independent level.  (continue reading)

“Reading Is Thinking!” When Kids Discover That They’re Understanding as They Read

Comprehension is not about spitting out facts and filling in blanks. Comprehension is about understanding. And reading is not merely about word calling. Reading is about thinking.  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Building a Collaborative Classroom with Nancy Steineke

How does growing our classroom environment to be more collaborative reduce the stress of classroom management and improve student achievement?   (continue reading)

PLC Series: Inquiry as a Process for Educators AND Students

The PLC series continues with reflecting on inquiry as a process for both teachers and students alike.  (continue reading)

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