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Dedicated to Teachers


The Arc of Motivation

The Arc of Motivation  (continue reading)

What Does the Research Say about Lecture-Only Teaching?

What Does the Research Say about Lecture-Only Teaching?  (continue reading)

Heinemann Fellow Kate Flowers on Working Toward "Do No Harm" Feedback

Heinemann Fellow Kate Flowers on Working Toward "Do No Harm" Feedback  (continue reading)

The Discourse Against Homework: Concerns and Solutions

The Discourse Against Homework: Concerns and Solutions  (continue reading)

The Big 5: Vicki Vinton on the Books That Pushed and Influenced Her Teaching Practice

The Big 5: Vicki Vinton on the Books That Pushed and Influenced Her Teaching Practice  (continue reading)

The Big 5: Lindsey Moses on the Books That Most Influenced Her Teaching Practice

The Big 5: Lindsey Moses on the Books That Most Influenced Her Teaching Practice  (continue reading)

PLC Series: October Round-Up

October Round-Up of the PLC series.  (continue reading)

No More Mindless Homework, a Twitter Chat with Janine Bempechat

This Twitter Chat with Janine Bempechat discusses assigning intentional homework.  (continue reading)

We Can’t Nurture Intrinsic Reading Motivation Using Rewards or Punishment

Barbara Marinak discusses nurturing intrinsic reading in reluctant students, featuring a video talk.  (continue reading)

PLC Series: September Round-Up

PLC Series: September Round-Up  (continue reading)

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