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Dedicated to Teachers

No More Mindless Homework, a Twitter Chat with Janine Bempechat

bulb-linkroundup Research shows that students who have positive home support for homework activities not only find the homework experience more rewarding but get more out of it. Parents, in most cases, are eager to help their children do the homework necessary to augment their classroom learning, but conflict can enter the picture when kids push back— which is often the case. Many students view homework negatively, but there are several simple practices parents can put in place to help mitigate the negativity and influence the homework experience for the better. 

Janine Bempechat and Kathy Collins are the authors of the forthcoming Not This But That series book, No More Mindless Homework, as well as a short blog by the same title for Parenting Perspectives. Janine will be discussing the subject of parents and homework help in a Twitter Chat hosted by Education Nation (run by NBC news) this Tuesday, October 18th, at 7pm ET. 

Topics: Ellin Keene, Not This But That, Twitter Chat, Janine Bempechat, Kathy Collins, Nell K. Duke, Twitter

Date Published: 10/17/16

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