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Dedicated to Teachers


The Life Cycle of a Post It: Management, Functionality, and Benefits of Capturing our Ideas on Post Its

At this week’s TCRWP Twitter chat, Lizzie Petkanics and Kristi Guinness will lead a discussion on the management, functionality and benefits of helping your readers to build a richer sticky note practice.  (continue reading)

Math In Practice: Starting School Soon?

As you start preparing to launch a new school year, join author Sue O’Connell and thousands of educators for a slow chat about important questions in elementary math teaching.  (continue reading)

Curiosity and Questioning in the Classroom, K-5

A study written up by the Association for Psychological Science on factors that affect learning. Which traits help students to do well in school?  (continue reading)

Rethinking Math Homework, a Twitter Chat with Sue O'Connell

Math in Practice lead author Sue O'Connell hosted aTwitter chat in order to open up the discussion on math homework. Follow along here.  (continue reading)

Students Collaborating in Writing Workshop: Writing Partnerships K-3

Students Collaborating in Writing Workshop: Writing Partnerships K-3  (continue reading)

Supporting Convention Work in the Units of Study: Punctuation and Spelling

Supporting Convention Work in the Units of Study: Punctuation and Spelling  (continue reading)

Lessons We Learned from the TC Classroom Library Project: Get the Right Books into the Hands of Kids

Lessons We Learned from the TC Classroom Library Project: Get the Right Books into the Hands of Kids  (continue reading)

Powerful Small Group Work in Reading Units of Study

Powerful Small Group Work in Reading Units of Study  (continue reading)

A Heart Maps Twitter Chat with Georgia Heard

Georgia Heard, author of Heart Maps, hosts this Twitter chat.  (continue reading)

No More Mindless Homework, a Twitter Chat with Janine Bempechat

This Twitter Chat with Janine Bempechat discusses assigning intentional homework.  (continue reading)

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