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Dedicated to Teachers

Frances Lown

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How to Access Online Resources Step-By-Step

Follow this easy step-by-step guide to start making the most of your online resources today!  (continue reading)

A Principal's Role in Building School Community

How can principals take on the role of instructional leader to build and lead the school community?  (continue reading)

Key Beliefs That Support Effective Mathematics Instruction

As teachers, we must cultivate the structures and beliefs in a classroom community that lay the foundation for the mathematical growth of our students. Our foundation is built on a set of nine key beliefs.  (continue reading)

Finding Writing Topics Your Students Love

In this video, Allison & Rebekah explain how simple it can be to get the creative juices flowing with inspiration from 'analysis in the wild'.  (continue reading)

Why Whole-Class Novels Can Be a Good Thing

Whole-class novels can offer a method of teaching that allows us to ignite a sense of community in the classroom.  (continue reading)

The Important Difference Between Motivation and Engagement

Ellin Oliver Keene helps us answer the question, what is the difference between motivation and engagement?  (continue reading)

How Should Principals Search for Areas of Growth?

In this video, author Tom Marshall shares sample conversations and the questions he asks as he walks through his school in search of improvement.  (continue reading)

When Things Don't Seem To Be Working...

Teaching elementary school math can be unpredictable and challenging, but you're not alone. Here are a few tips and tricks that keep us going when the going gets tough!  (continue reading)

Spreading #BookLove Through Classroom Libraries

All author royalties from the sale of It's All About the Books are being donated to the Book Love Foundation, in order to impact as many teachers and students as possible. Book love is dedicated to teachers who inspire a love of reading.  (continue reading)

Engaging Children Podcast with Ellin Oliver Keene & Tom Newkirk

This week on the Heinemann Podcast, we welcome back authors Ellin Oliver Keene & Tom Newkirk to discuss Ellin's new book, Engaging Children: Ignite a Drive for Deeper Learning.  (continue reading)

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