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Dedicated to Teachers


On the Podcast: Lucy Calkins Reflects on Her Path to Leadership

Lucy Calkins's leadership is rooted in her practice of reading and writing workshop instruction, but where did that instruction begin and how was she called to literacy work to become the leader we know today? How has Lucy Calkins nurtured her own culture of continuous study?  (continue reading)

Building More Powerful Book Clubs

Book clubs provide an authentic purpose for reading closely, note-taking, and writing about reading--to prepare for great conversation. When book clubs meet, the conversations are usually open-ended and completely student-directed.  (continue reading)

Powering Up Partnerships in Reading & Writing Workshop, K-5

In reading and writing workshop, strategic partnerships can help us provide an audience, built-in feedback provider, and peer-reviewer for every student. While we can’t clone ourselves and have a teacher next to every student, we can set up partnerships that support, motivate, and inspire.  (continue reading)

Igniting the Energy and Passion Back into Our Reading and Writing Workshops, 3-8

At this time of year, it’s natural to experience a flagging of energy - both yours and your students’. Attention is divided between school and all of the holiday goings on, and there’s a sense that everyone could really use the December break.  (continue reading)

How Independent are Our Students: Mid Year Check-In, K-8

To assess for independence, probably the most important assessment is observational: what do you notice when you sit back and simply watch. You might come up with a checklist to guide your observations, something that would work across subjects areas.  (continue reading)

Empowering Students to Lead with Ownership and Independence Across Our Workshops, K-8

At this point in the year, it’s important to take stock of how your students are progressing toward independence and whether it would be helpful to shine a light on this all-important focus.  (continue reading)

Developing Lifelong Writers: Ways to Support Independence During Writing Workshop, K-5

Supporting independence and helping students to become true, life-long writers also takes a certain kind of flexibility and willingness on teachers' parts to let go of the reins.  (continue reading)

What We Have Learned (so far) from Teaching the Phonics Units of Study

The TCRWP phonics team has been observing and collecting data as teachers have gotten the phonics units off and going. This feedback will inform the ongoing phonics work, including the development of the second grade series.  (continue reading)

Empowering Students in Reading & Writing Workshop

Empowerment comes from having a clear vision of the work that needs to be done, and from having a sense of autonomy in one’s process. It is from this thoughtful balance between shared goal and a menu of options that smart decisions can come.  (continue reading)

Ways to Help Anyone Read, K-8

Reading is a process that is internal, and where the problems lie can seem difficult to pinpoint. Happily, though, for many young readers, once they get focused help working through stuck points, their progress seems to skyrocket.  (continue reading)

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