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Dedicated to Teachers


Units of Study Virtual Teaching Resources: Supporting Blended and Virtual Teaching Across the 2020-21 School Year

The new Units of Study Virtual Teaching Resources are designed to supplement the print Units of Study in reading, writing, and phonics. Learn more about how they help teachers adapt instruction for the 2020-21 school year.  (continue reading)

Teaching and Leading In the Midst of COVID-19: View Recordings from Lucy Calkins' Office Hours

Lucy Calkins and colleagues discuss the challenges involved with teaching and leading during the coronavirus and answer attendees questions.  (continue reading)

The Principles Behind the Units of Study in Phonics (Part 3)

This excerpt from A Guide to the Phonics Units of Study focuses on the importance of high engagement and supporting all members of a learning community.  (continue reading)

The Guiding Principles Behind the Units of Study in Phonics (Part 2)

This week we discuss two of the guiding principles of the Units of Study in Phonics: 1) a lean, efficient curriculum, and 2) going beyond item knowledge.  (continue reading)

The Guiding Principles Behind the Units of Study in Phonics (Part 1)

The following excerpt from the Guide describes 2 of the principles behind the phonics units: teaching for transfer and building on the research of experts.  (continue reading)

The Inside Scoop of Workshop Teaching: Building a Community of Readers and Writers K-5

What better way to start the year than by inviting students to share stories from their own lives?  (continue reading)

Time for Transfer! Using & Reusing Charts & Tools Kids Have Accessed Throughout the Year into Upcoming Units & Into Life, K-8

There are many things that can be done to help students use everything they know even when there isn’t an adult right next to them to remind them to do it.  (continue reading)

The Power of Talk in a Writing Workshop, K-5

Student conversations about writing, whether with a peer or a supportive adult, can provide powerful support on multiple levels. Opportunities to talk during writing workshop might take the form of rehearsal for writing, problem solving, reflection, feedback, or goal setting.  (continue reading)

Writing as Activism: Helping Kids Find their Voice and Place in the World, K-8

Writing workshop is not a time where where students prepare to someday write a letter to the editor, or prepare a speech for their local school board. They are doing it right now, every day, in ways that shape their schools and communities in important ways.  (continue reading)

What We Have Learned (so far) from Teaching the Phonics Units of Study

The TCRWP phonics team has been observing and collecting data as teachers have gotten the phonics units off and going. This feedback will inform the ongoing phonics work, including the development of the second grade series.  (continue reading)

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