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Dedicated to Teachers


On the Podcast: Teaching and Healing

Today on the podcast we’re joined by Arlène Casimir and Alex Venet as they discuss the ethos of trauma informed teaching practices.  (continue reading)

Water for Teachers: Fear and Rebellion with guest Linda Aldebot

This week, Shamari is joined by Linda Aldebot, a Middle School teacher in the Bronx, as they talk about our fears as humans who want to do what's best for students.  (continue reading)

Water for Teachers: Love with Gabby Bachoo

This week, Shamari is joined by Gabby Bachoo, a first year teacher, as they talk about our ability to love as humans and how we can center that love in the classroom.  (continue reading)

Water for Teachers: The World and Us with guest Tara Benitez

This week, Shamari is joined by Tara Benitez as they talk about our complicated identities as humans in education.  (continue reading)

Water for Teachers: Setting the Stage with guest Holly Jordan

This week, Shamari is joined by Holly Jordan, as they explore the power of vulnerability and being honest about our imperfect humanity.  (continue reading)

Mistake Maintenance: Understanding the Ways We Make Mistakes Permanent

Learn how to pay attention to your emotions in your teaching so that you can identify and challenge mistaken beliefs and replace them with accurate thinking.  (continue reading)

Teaching and Relationship-Building Must Be Culturally Responsive

When teachers take on the work of culturally responsive teaching, they commit to ensuring that marginalized students not only can, but will improve their school achievement.  (continue reading)

Are Our Teacher-Student Relationships Strong Enough?

Reflection is an essential practice to relationship-building. We cannot always be our best selves but reflection helps us prepare for a better future with students.  (continue reading)

The Social-Emotional Benefits of Choice in Writing

When students have lots of choices about what they will write about and how they will write it, there are many benefits.  (continue reading)

Strategies for Working Through Our Own Difficulties with Students

The Caring Teacher offers a challenge to all of us all to find a way to care about every student, especially the ones who feel the hardest to like.  (continue reading)

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