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Dedicated to Teachers


Heinemann Professional Books about Social-Emotional Learning

A list of Heinemann professional books about social-emotional learning.  (continue reading)

Heinemann Professional Books Published in 2023

A list of Heinemann professional books published in 2023.  (continue reading)

Commuter Series: Recognizing Trauma

Heinemann Podcast Commuter Series: Recognizing Trauma  (continue reading)

Trauma Responsive Pedagogy: How We Can Miss Trauma

Although social-emotional learning may seem disconnected from academic content, the two are deeply interconnected.  (continue reading)

Trauma-Responsive Pedagogy: A Letter to Readers

The following is adapted from Trauma-Responsive Pedagogy: Teaching for Healing and Transformation by Arlène Elizabeth Casimir and Dr. Courtney Baker.  (continue reading)

Mental Health Resource Roundup for Educators

A collection of resources to support teachers as they endeavor to care for their own mental health plus the mental health of their colleagues and students.  (continue reading)

Invite Our Virtual Consulting Authors to Your School

Heinemann PD offers a wide variety of options to meet you where you are in your professional learning journey. So, what does it look like to meet an entire school or a large segment of a district where they are now and over time? That’s where Heinemann Consulting Authors come in.  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Teaching and Healing

Today on the podcast we’re joined by Arlène Casimir and Alex Venet as they discuss the ethos of trauma informed teaching practices.  (continue reading)

Slowing Down for Ourselves and Our Students

Alex Shevrin Venet and Arlène Elizabeth Casimir, two trauma-informed educators, share why teachers need to slow down for themselves and their students.  (continue reading)

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