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Dedicated to Teachers


Abandoning the Myth of the Master Writer with Liz Prather and Tom Newkirk

The myth of the master writer has long plagued students and teachers alike, limiting our sense of self-confidence and writerly ability. Is it possible to dispel these notions?  (continue reading)

Creating Community in a Socially-Distanced World

Creating a sense of community is necessary for student engagement and motivation. How does one do that while social distancing? A teacher shares her plans.  (continue reading)

From Instinctual to Intentional: My Transition to Online Learning

Learn how this pandemic has forced High School Teacher and Author, Liz Prather, to examine her practice and rethink how to frame learning so that it’s logical and engaging to students.  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Revisiting Narrative Writing with Liz Prather

Narrative plays a bigger role in how we communicate than we give it credit for...  (continue reading)

Creating Tension in Nonfiction

When writing nonfiction, we have the whole gamut of narrative techniques at our disposal, but we aren’t just telling a story.  (continue reading)

Examining the 'How' and 'Why' in Writing

As they read, it’s important for students to get in the habit of asking not what, what, what, but why and how...  (continue reading)

Story Matters: A Foreword by Kelly Gallagher

Read the foreword to Liz Prather's new book, Story Matters, written by Kelly Gallagher. Story Matters tells the importance of learning through the power of story.  (continue reading)

Selling Your Students on Project-Based Writing

“This class is special,” I say. “We’re going to write and say things in this class that you’ve never said or written in any other class yet in your high school career.”  (continue reading)

How Project-Based Writing Teaches Students Time Management

Liz Prather knows that time management can be a real challenge for students, but what they gain in understanding is so important.  (continue reading)

Does Project-Based Writing Have to Be All-or-Nothing?

You don't need to adopt Project-Based Writing wholesale in order to incorporate the methods, ideas and strategies project-based writing can provide.  (continue reading)

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