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Dedicated to Teachers

Jennifer Moore

Recent Posts:


Why the Five-Paragraph Essay is a Problem Now—and Later

The road to excellence is rife with trial and error. It is up to us to entrust our young writers to wrestle with their decisions. Doing so matters now. And later.  (continue reading)

Teaching Practices That Spark a Culture of Revision

It is about helping our students develop the mindsets essential to writers who learn and grow with each other and from each other.  (continue reading)

Jen Serravallo on Increasing Instructional Impact with Small Groups

Grow the efficiency of your teaching with small groups, and you’ll provide highly tailored instruction to more students each day.  (continue reading)

Textured Teaching - The Audiobook!

Heinemann is pleased to announce the latest addition to our growing line of audiobooks, Textured Teaching: A Framework for Culturally Sustaining Practices by Lorena Escoto Germán.  (continue reading)

Launching Number Sense Routines with Children’s Literature

Stories support curiosity and engagement. By creating excitement with our students we make the task of teaching specific grade level math skills easier.  (continue reading)

Heinemann Authors at Literacy for All

Heinemann is a proud sponsor of the 2021 Literacy for All Conference. Check out this blog for a complete list of the Heinemann authors presenting this year.  (continue reading)

Nine Ways to Have Deeper Conversations with Students about Math

Suggestions for how to have meaningful and important conversations with K–5 students about math from Marilyn Burns.  (continue reading)

Introducing 4 Essential Studies by Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle

Learn how to lead students to confidence, independence, and joy in reading and writing from bestselling authors, Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle.  (continue reading)

Why Read-Aloud Matters by Rebecca Bellingham

Reading aloud to children every single day is one of the most important things any teacher can do to help children grow and become better readers, better thinkers, and, frankly, better human beings.  (continue reading)

Strategies to Support Grieving Students by Brittany Collins

Having a set of strategies to turn to when confronting loss at school helps us stay grounded and tuned-in, better serving students and ourselves.  (continue reading)

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