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Dedicated to Teachers

Jennifer Moore

Recent Posts:


Solving 100 ÷ 3 Mentally: A Surprise

When interviewing students to find out how they reason numerically―focus on how they explain their thinking. You might be surprised by what you hear.  (continue reading)

Using Literature to Make Sense of Mathematics

How do we help all students make sense of mathematics? — with stories! Literature can support and enhance mathematics instruction.  (continue reading)

Jen Serravallo on Keeping the Growth Going with Ongoing Assessment

It’s time to take stock of progress and plan for next steps. Progress monitoring provides the crucial link between initial assessments and adapting future instruction.  (continue reading)

Learning from Loss: An Introduction

When a student loses a parent, or a faculty loses a colleague, or a trauma occurs too close to home, what should we do? What should we say?  (continue reading)

Three Dimensions of Teacher Vulnerability

How often do we ask students to walk into uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure? What about teachers?  (continue reading)

What is a Writer’s Mindset? by Chris Hall

Learn more about writing stances and craft moves that not only cultivate positive behaviors about writing but encourage a willingness—and even enthusiasm—to revise.  (continue reading)

Meeting Your Students’ Needs This Year: A Quick Guide for Assessing Your Classroom Resources

One way to meet our students where they are is to take a close look at the resources we’re using in the classroom. Are they the best fit for the students we are teaching today?  (continue reading)

What is 100 ÷ 3? Why We Ask and What We Learn

Interviewing students—asking them to do math without paper and pencil—can reveal more about how they reason numerically and offer guidance for next-steps.  (continue reading)

Getting Started with Digital Composition: Crossing Genre Boundaries

Kids are reading lots of novels and writing lots of essays—could one of these experiences be traded to make room for the creation of digital compositions?  (continue reading)

5 Strategies for Making the Most of Multilingual Classrooms

No matter what kind of multilingual setting you teach in, be sure to try these strategies with your readers and writers.  (continue reading)

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