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Dedicated to Teachers


The Big 5: Ken Lindblom on the Professional Books That Got Him to Where He is Today

The Big 5: Ken Lindblom on the Professional Books That Got Him to Where He is Today  (continue reading)

2nd Annual Pacific Coast Literacy Institute

2nd Annual Pacific Coast Literacy Institute  (continue reading)

Live Blog From The Ninth Annual Boothbay Literacy Retreat: Day Four

Live Blog From The Ninth Annual Boothbay Literacy Retreat: Day Four  (continue reading)

Live Blog From The Ninth Annual Boothbay Literacy Retreat: Day Three

Live Blog From The Ninth Annual Boothbay Literacy Retreat: Day Three  (continue reading)

Live Blog From The Ninth Annual Boothbay Literacy Retreat: Day Two

Live Blog From The Ninth Annual Boothbay Literacy Retreat: Day Two  (continue reading)

Teacher Appreciation: Bob Probst On His Eighth Grade Social Studies Teacher

Teacher Appreciation: Bob Probst On His Eighth Grade Social Studies Teacher  (continue reading)

Online PLC: Connecting Point-and-Click Kids to the Power of Novels

Online PLC: Connecting Point-and-Click Kids to the Power of Novels  (continue reading)

Reading Nonfiction Twitter chat - 2/23/16

Reading Nonfiction Twitter chat - 2/23/16  (continue reading)

Year In Review: Teacher Tips From 2015's Professional Book Lineup

Year In Review: Teacher Tips From 2015's Professional Book Lineup  (continue reading)

Teaching Notice & Note and Reading Nonfiction Together

In today's post, Bob and Kylene discuss how Notice & Note and Reading Nonfiction might be taught together.  (continue reading)

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