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Dedicated to Teachers


The Big 5: Ken Lindblom on the Professional Books That Got Him to Where He is Today

The Big 5: Ken Lindblom on the Professional Books That Got Him to Where He is Today  (continue reading)

The Big 5: Katie Wood Ray Tells Us About the Five Books that Made a Big Difference in Her Professional Life

The Big 5: Katie Wood Ray Tells Us About the Five Books that Made a Big Difference in Her Professional Life  (continue reading)

Nancie Atwell's Talk With Teach For All - Live-Tweet Archive

Nancie Atwell's Talk With Teach For All - Live-Tweet Archive  (continue reading)

Nancie Atwell's Interviews with MSNBC, ABC News, People, and The Washington Post

Included are links to Nancie Atwell's Interviews with MSNBC, ABC News, People, and The Washington Post on her Global Teacher Prize.  (continue reading)

In The Middle: What Will I Find New To The Third Edition?

In The Middle: What Will I Find New To The Third Edition?  (continue reading)

Congratulations, Nancie Atwell!

Congratulations, Nancie Atwell!  (continue reading)

Students Celebrate Nancie Atwell's Nomination for the Global Teacher Prize

Students Celebrate Nancie Atwell's Nomination for the Global Teacher Prize  (continue reading)

Nancie Atwell is a Finalist for the Global Teacher Prize!

Nancie Atwell is a Finalist for the Global Teacher Prize!  (continue reading)

Nancie Atwell Named Finalist for Global Education Award

Nancie Atwell Named Finalist for Global Education Award  (continue reading)

Nancie Atwell Reflects on 40 Years of Teaching

Nancie Atwell Reflects on 40 Years of Teaching  (continue reading)

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