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Dedicated to Teachers

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Integrating Poetry into a Busy Classroom

How can I fit poetry into my busy classroom schedule? And how do I even introduce poetry to students?  (continue reading)

The Power and Purpose of Assessment

As educators, it's crucial to step back and reflect on why we assess our students and the impact it has on their learning journey.  (continue reading)

Reading Beyond the Words: The Importance of Comprehension

What is a Reading Salad, and how can you use this tangible comprehension strategy to help your students understand complex concepts?  (continue reading)

Read Aloud Podcast: Enhancing Literacy and Learning Outside the Classroom with StoryWalks

Have you ever thought about what literacy might look like outside of the classroom?  (continue reading)

8 Reinvigorating and Equitable Mathematics Teaching Practices

Considering refreshing your mathematics teaching practices? Try these invigorating and equitable actionable steps from Steve Leinwand and Eric Milou.  (continue reading)

Creating a Central Course Theme in a History Class

As the school year wraps up, consider refreshing your history class over the summer. Learn how to create a central course theme for engaging exploration.  (continue reading)

Finding the Write Balance: Integrating ChatGPT into the Writing Workshop

How do we incorporate ChatGPT into the classroom as a tool for writing workshop? Read the series conclusion of Finding the Write Balance.  (continue reading)

Word Gardens: Engaging Students Outdoors

As the weather warms up, get students engaged outdoors with word gardens. Valerie Bang-Jensen provides ideas and examples.  (continue reading)

Summer Sale for Teachers: Heinemann Audiobooks

Happy summer, teachers! Heinemann Audiobooks are discounted on Apple, Google Play, and Chirp April 1 - July 31.  (continue reading)

Humans Who... Series Debut

Join Shamari Reid in a special live interview with Bettina Love to launch the Humans who... interview series.  (continue reading)

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