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Dedicated to Teachers


On The Podcast: Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Tricia Ebarvia on the Institute for Racial Equity in Literacy

Listen in or watch as Dr. Sonja Cherry Paul and Tricia Ebarvia talk about centering racial equity in our literacy practices and their upcoming (virtual!) Institutes for Racial Equity in Literacy. #IREL20 ⁠  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Dismantling Racism in Education (Rebroadcast)

Three years ago, we started this episode of the podcast by saying; not talking about racism is not a solution. We sought to have a conversation about dismantling racism in education after a Heinemann Fellows panel on the subject. As we listen to this conversation through the lens of 2020, it’s now not enough to talk about dismantling racism, rather we must take actions to be anti-racist.  (continue reading)

Ellin Keene and Sonja Cherry-Paul: Why Do the Heinemann Fellowship?

Through action research, the Heinemann fellows initiative brings together a group of educators with curiosity about teaching and learning.  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Getting to Know Your Readers with Sonja Cherry-Paul and Dana Johansen

In this episode, Sonja and Dana chat with Brett Whitmarsh about the role of technology in book clubs, and what is at the heart of starting a strong book club.   (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Teaching Readers with Sonja Cherry-Paul and Dana Johansen

In this episode, Sonja and Dana chat about the value of book clubs, and how they can become a tool to disrupt the idea that our job and mission is to teach books…when really it should be to teach readers.  (continue reading)

Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Tricia Ebarvia discuss Racial Equity In Literacy

This summer authors Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Tricia Ebarvia will be co-facilitating a special Institute for Racial Equity in Literacy at UNH.  (continue reading)

Creating a Culture of Reading

Book clubs are where students fall in love with reading. We value book clubs because it is in these spaces that we witness humanity at its best  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: What To Do When Your Book Clubs Just Aren't Working with Sonja Cherry-Paul and Dana Johansen

Today on the Heinemann Podcast we’re joined by Sonja Cherry-Paul and Dana Johansen, co-authors of “Breathing New Life into Book Clubs.”  (continue reading)

A Vision for Book Clubs

Our vision for book clubs continues to be a work in progress. It is informed by our own experiences and our ongoing dialogue with fellow educators.  (continue reading)

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