Guided reading nurtures strong readers and plays a pivotal role in helping young learners become confident and capable readers.
December 5, 2023
Small-group reading lessons have the potential to transform students into confident and skilled readers.
December 1, 2023
As educators, we all want our students to have the skills and insights needed to navigate the world outside of their classroom. In this mission, the significance of relevance in reading cannot be understated.
September 13, 2023
Educational rap artist Corey Thornton was contacted by the producers of GMA3 to share his story. Watch the video!
August 4, 2020
What Does Research Say Adolescent Readers Need?
June 23, 2017
How Old is Too Old to Read Aloud to Your Students?
May 31, 2017
Engaging Readers: Lucy Calkins discusses the TCRWP Classroom Libraries
May 17, 2017
An Unprecedented Curation Process: Lucy Calkins and Colleagues Discuss the TCRWP Classroom Libraries
May 10, 2017
The Importance of Choosing the Right Book: Lucy Calkins Discusses the Classroom Libraries
May 3, 2017
Teaching Empathy: Using Read Aloud and Text Sets to Think and Talk about Social Justice K-5
January 17, 2017
How Do You Teach Theme?
December 23, 2015
In today's post, Bob and Kylene discuss how Notice & Note and Reading Nonfiction might be taught together.
November 24, 2015
We Read Nonfiction Every Day
November 18, 2015
Reading Nonfiction: Are Text Features A Kind Of Signpost?
November 3, 2015
Fountas and Pinnell Text Levels: Tool or Trouble Chat Recap
October 31, 2015
The Reading Nonfiction Signposts: Extreme and Absolute Language
October 27, 2015
Reading Nonfiction: How Teaching Nonfiction Differs From Teaching Literature
October 9, 2015
Five Ways to Approach Close Reading as a Detective
August 4, 2015