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Dedicated to Teachers

Fountas and Pinnell Text Levels: Tool or Trouble Chat Recap


On Thursday night (10/29/15), Heinemann authors Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell hosted their monthly Twitter chat on the topic of: The F&P Text Level Gradient™ - Tool or Trouble?

Below is a highlight of some of the topics discussed throughout the evening. The topic was so popular that they plan to focus on this topic again in the next chat. If you have a question you’d like the authors to address tweet them using their handle @FountasPinnell, using the hashtag #FPLiteracy, or you can email them at FountasandPinnell@heinemann.com.


Topics: Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™, Gay Su Pinnell, Guided Reading, Reading, Administration, Comprehension, Elementary, Irene Fountas, Student Texts

Date Published: 10/31/15

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