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Dedicated to Teachers


The Power and Purpose of Assessment

As educators, it's crucial to step back and reflect on why we assess our students and the impact it has on their learning journey.  (continue reading)

3 Tips for Selecting Students for Reading Groups

Selecting students for small-group reading instruction is a critical decision that requires a thoughtful and data-driven approach.  (continue reading)

Record-Keeping System Ideas for Writing Teachers

Record-keeping systems allow you to consolidate data, study individual progress, track the frequency with which you meet with students, and easily access and update your data across time.  (continue reading)

What Are the Benefits of Guided Reading for Students in Grades K-6?

Guided reading nurtures strong readers and plays a pivotal role in helping young learners become confident and capable readers.  (continue reading)

5 Tips for a Powerful Small-Group Reading Lesson

Small-group reading lessons have the potential to transform students into confident and skilled readers.  (continue reading)

How to Structure Guided Math Workshop Groups

Guided math groups are small, fluid, and flexible groups of students that you meet with as they explore rich mathematical tasks. These flexible groups will change based on students’ needs.  (continue reading)

The Importance of Minilessons in Math Workshop

Why should you be using minilessons in your math workshop? Minilessons provide short, focused opportunities for students to get excited about the math, engage with concepts, and have open discussions.  (continue reading)

Understanding 3 Key Elements of Balanced Assessment in Math Workshop

Assessment is the bedrock of good teaching. By utilizing a variety of assessments, we get a multidimensional mathematical profile of each student.  (continue reading)

Strategies to Build Test-Taking Skills and Confidence

Taking a test requires some skills and strategies that are quite distinct from the reading we do every day. Here are some tips for teaching test reading.  (continue reading)

Prepare Kids for Test Taking with Comprehension Strategies that Build Strong Readers

Confident readers read and think flexibly and critically about content AND perform effectively on the test.  (continue reading)

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