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Dedicated to Teachers


Teaching Literacy Outdoors

This week we’re joined by Valerie Bang-Jensen and Amy Ludwig VanDerwater as they talk about Valerie’s new book Literacy Moves Outdoors!  (continue reading)

Outdoors is the New Classroom

If you’re wondering what literacy might look like outside the classroom, it’s everywhere.  (continue reading)

The Power of a Great Classroom Library

The TCRWP Classroom Libraries were created in a way that is worlds apart from how most other libraries are created.  (continue reading)

Trauma-Responsive Pedagogy: A Letter to Readers

The following is adapted from Trauma-Responsive Pedagogy: Teaching for Healing and Transformation by Arlène Elizabeth Casimir and Dr. Courtney Baker.  (continue reading)

An Introduction to Interactive Writing

Learn about modeling learning through instruction, tips for integrating interactive writing strategies throughout the day, and honoring students’ processes.  (continue reading)

3 Reading and Writing Strategies For Poetry Instruction

Enhance students' love for poetry with Jennifer Serravallo's strategies from Reading and Writing Strategies Books for National Poetry Month and beyond.  (continue reading)

A Video Tour of Interactive Writing

Interactive writing is a time for writing to come alive as children share their thinking. Watch Matt Halpern talk about the key concepts and skills of interactive writing in a fun and informative video.  (continue reading)

Strategies to Build Test-Taking Skills and Confidence

Taking a test requires some skills and strategies that are quite distinct from the reading we do every day. Here are some tips for teaching test reading.  (continue reading)

The Transformative Power of Reading

This week on the podcast, Kylene Beers joins to share what's new in the second edition of When Kids Can't Read.  (continue reading)

Reading Responses for Critical Thinking

Marilyn Pryle and Rebekah O’Dell explain how reading responses can be an effective tool for helping students to engage meaningfully with a text.  (continue reading)

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