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Dedicated to Teachers

Elizabeth Moore

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Assessment, Assessment, Assessment! Tips on Managing, Teaching, and Discussing Student Progress, K-5

Consider how well you know your students by this time of year. By now you know about their interests, hobbies, favorite sports, and so much more. The best literacy assessments help you to get to know another side to your students--as readers and writers.  (continue reading)

Supporting Students in Getting Ready for Exams, Grades 3-5

What if preparing for tests could look, sound, and feel like your favorite units of study for reading and writing? What if they could have the confidence and the tricks-of-the-trade to make it possible for them to do their best work on every test they take?  (continue reading)

Writing as Activism: Helping Kids Find their Voice and Place in the World, K-8

Writing workshop is not a time where where students prepare to someday write a letter to the editor, or prepare a speech for their local school board. They are doing it right now, every day, in ways that shape their schools and communities in important ways.  (continue reading)

Building More Powerful Book Clubs

Book clubs provide an authentic purpose for reading closely, note-taking, and writing about reading--to prepare for great conversation. When book clubs meet, the conversations are usually open-ended and completely student-directed.  (continue reading)

Powering Up Partnerships in Reading & Writing Workshop, K-5

In reading and writing workshop, strategic partnerships can help us provide an audience, built-in feedback provider, and peer-reviewer for every student. While we can’t clone ourselves and have a teacher next to every student, we can set up partnerships that support, motivate, and inspire.  (continue reading)

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