Topic: Science

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The Discourse Against Homework: Concerns and Solutions

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The Resurgence of Inquiry-Based Instruction

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What Will Teachers Get out of Sharing Books Talking Science?

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A STEM Success Story

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Where Do I Begin with STEM Learning?

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Today on the podcast, Jo Anne Vasquez, Michael Comer and Joel Villegas discuss their book STEM Lesson Guideposts

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Connecting the What and How of STEM Learning

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Today on the Podcast, Valerie Bang-Jensen and Mark Lubkowitz talk about their book Sharing Books, Talking Science

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The Challenge of Teaching Science in Elementary School and How Sharing Books, Talking Science Can Help

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Teaching Scientific Concepts Through Children's Literature

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The Heart of STEM Learning

Reading Science Podcast

Author Jennifer Altieri reminds us that literacy skills aren’t add-ons to the science class—they are critical parts of instruction.

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Five Reminders When “Reading” Images

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Five Tips For Choosing Trade Books For Integrating Literacy And Science

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Connecting Literacy and Content Areas with Jennifer Altieri

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Amplify: 3 Ways Of Digital Teaching To Try Tomorrow

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Online PLC: "The Comeback Kids" by George Shea

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Online PLC: Building A Community of Learners