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Dedicated to Teachers

Online PLC: "The Comeback Kids" by George Shea


What does teaching have to do with baseball?

This week’s expert article is from a Heinemann Digital Library series that champions the day-to-day challenges and successes of teachers everywhere.

“Full restarts are a rarity. Teachers and students get to come back to a new season populated with new faces. Past successes and failures are erased; we get to begin again. Teachers and students get to come back to a new season populated with new faces. Past successes and failures are erased; we get to begin again. Even the Cubs have a chance at the World Series when the season begins.”

Former principal and now assistant superintendent George Shea celebrates the start of school for teachers and students as an opportunity to kick off the best year ever, while at the same time challenging those teachers to set and record goals. The summer gives us a chance to recharge our professional energy, gather ideas, set new professional goals, and plan for a year filled with highly engaging lessons. In this article, George offers insight and advice on how to maintain that positive energy and focus throughout the year.

Click here to download the PDF

As you read this article and share it with your colleagues, think about your own ambitious plans for this school year; how will you stay focused and remain energized when the golden glow of autumn has faded? What inspirational thoughts and notes will you add to your plan book to help remind you to be the teacher you want to be?

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Wondering where to connect online? Start by signing up below for Heinemann's Online PLC 2015–16! Each week, we'll share content from the Heinemann Digital Library as food for thought and discussion. Our conversations can occur in comments here on the blog, on Twitter using #OnlinePLC or in our Facebook Group. Looking forward to a year of sharing content, conversation and #OnlinePLC camaraderie!

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Topics: Education, Heinemann, PD, PLC Series, Reading, Writing, Back to School, Collaboration, Comprehension, George Shea, High School, Nonfiction, Professional Development, Science, Social Studies, Student Texts

Date Published: 10/19/15

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