Topic: Heinemann


Have you checked out Heinemann's extensive audiobook selection? We have over 30 available titles with more continuously coming.


Heinemann is thrilled to partner with Dr. Chris Emdin to bring timely and practical content to teachers through his new series Don't Worry Just Teach.

Maggie Digital

A statement about Heinemann's digital approach moving into the future from Maggie DeMont.


Heinemann is proud to announce a new professional books catalog for fall 2024. Includes a curated list of forthcoming and previously published titles.

You Tube Annonucement Blog24

Subscribe to Heinemann's YouTube Channel for videos from authors, book talks, and more.

Advancing our Vision A Message from Heinemanns President 1

Matthew Mugo Fields reflects on the past year, and shares his vision for Heinemann in 2024.

Copy of Lucy Calkins Ed Week

Fifty-eight educators say ‘Sold a Story’ podcast series sells an incomplete story about reading instruction

Where do we go from here

Heinemann President Matthew Mugo Fields' statement of moving forward in a way that reflects our values.

Lucy Calkins Ed Week

Lucy Calkins recently penned an OpEd for Education Week. In the piece, she addresses the serious challenges facing education today and outlines how recent updates to the Units of Study meet those challenges head-on.

Heinemann response

Heinemann is aware of the APM Reports podcast series, which promotes false and divisive claims, misstates financial information and radically oversimplifies and misrepresents complex literacy issues.

FPL Get The Facts Blog Header

Recent misrepresentation of Fountas & Pinnell resources radically oversimplify complex issues to the detriment of teachers and students who benefit from their programs. This post offers provides clarity and corrects the most egregious inaccuracies.

An Apology and a Path Forward Matthew Mugo Fields 1

An apology from Heinemann and a path forward

A Statement from Matthew Mugo Fieldspercent2c Heinemanns New President 1

Meet Heinemann's new president, Matthew Mugo Fields.

Get to Know New Heinemann Authors na

Learn more about NEW Heinemann authors and their new book releases on the blog. 

Spring 2022 Heinemann Look Book Blog Header GIF

Discover NEW books from your favorite authors in the Spring 2022 Heinemann Professional Books Catalog. 

Heinemann Fall 2021 Look Book Available Now jam

Heinemann is proud to present our Fall 2021 Look Book with our new releases along with highlights from your favorite authors.

Forward ED blog percent231 1 1

Heinemann is delighted to announce ForwardED: Forward, Together in Education – a series addressing some of the biggest challenges currently facing the education community.

Summer Discount on Audiobooks

Heinemann Audiobooks offer a different way for you to start or continue your professional learning journey. Enjoy a special discount from now until Labor Day (September 6, 2021).